Women Escort and Men’s Desires

Women escorts are a subset of Prostitutes who charge for sex but do not work in a brothel. Instead, they typically advertise their services on an online escort directory. The website features a photo or two, a sparse bio, a schedule of when they are available, and a price (“donation”) list. The website also contains the standard disclaimer that any money exchanged is simply for time and companionship.

Men who purchase the services of escorts are in a variety of life situations. Many are married or in committed relationships, and others may be single. Regardless of their situation, most escorts say that men come to them for a fantasy, plain and simple. Men want to be able to forget about the dirty diapers, the nagging wife at home, the work stress, and a million other things that are keeping them from feeling their best. They want to be able to sit with a beautiful woman and feel like they are the center of her attention.

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Females often compete for male mate value by displaying their physical beauty (Buss & Schmitt, 1993; Edlund & Korn, 2002). To increase demand and maximize profits, women in the escort industry strive to appear as desirable as possible compared to their competitors. In this study, photographic displays of nude breasts and buttocks were related to higher prices charged by escorts when examining bivariate correlations. Weight was negatively correlated with out-call fees, in line with research that has found that men prefer shorter-term mating partners who are of a lower body mass index (BMI; Furnham et al., 2004).

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